PETER’S QUARTET was created in 1994. It consists of professional musicians who studied and were graduated from Saint-Petersburg's Conservatoire (RUSSIA). There is a lucky combination of two professional opera singers (baritone, 1st tenor) and two professional conductors (base, 2nd tenor) in this ensemble. That's why there are many possibilities to perform a widest range of various music: from vocal music (arias, romances) to choir music (motets, psalms, concerts for choir, spirituals).
The members of the quartet are:
Anatoly Lomunov - first tenor.
"The Golden Voice of the Quartet", Anatoly is the holder of both singing diplomas, has performed in leading roles in some of Russia's leading opera house, including Mariinsky (Kirov) Opera and St. Petersburg opera. Anatoly has performed widely as a soloist and as part of various companies throughout Russia and abroad.
Lev Khazan - baritone.
"Thoroughly Reliable", Lev has a diploma in opera singing. He could be called the universal singing talent possessing a fantastic voice. Among his many talents he is professional sound mixer as well.
Arseny Garibian - second tenor.
"The Tuning Fork of the Quartet", Arseny holds a Conductor's Diploma and has a thorough and refined knowledge of musical harmony. He started his training at the age of 5 in the Boy's Choir of St. Petersburg.
Igor Kroushelnitsky - base-baritone.
"The Generator of Ideas", Igor is the one who organizes the arrangements and plans for the quartet. He holds a Conductor's Diploma and is a Doctor of Musicology. He is the author of several operas and musical works especially written for the quartet.
During 12 years of it's existence, Peter's quartet created several music projects such as "From Renascence to Contemporary Music", "The Golden Fund of Russian Sacred Music", "Just Contemporary Music", "Once More about Jazz!", "From Romance to Opera".
Peter's quartet has had a lot of successful concert tours to all around Europe (England, Germany, France, Finland, Spain etc.).
In 1997 there was released CD "Open to the world" in Germany which was recorded on "POLYDOR RECORD STUDIO" with German producers. This project is an experience which combines the Russian orthodox music and folk songs with electronic basement. It has got positive comments by the critics in Russia as well as abroad.
Next year the quartet was invited by Japanese managers to Japan where were given several splendid performances. In 2005 Peter's quartet successfully traveled to hospitable Australia which met Russian singers with hot applauses.
Ensemble gives the concerts in Russia as well. Basically it takes part in various celebrations, presentations, important events which take place on famous professional stages of Saint-Petersburg such as concert-hall "Oktiabrsky", Konstantin's palace (a part of national museum "Peterhof"), Catherine's palace (national museum "Tsarskoe Selo") etc.
Peter's quartet has also participated in international festival "Barbershop Songs" where was awarded with the main premium and got an invitation to travel to USA with the concerts.
Quartet is known in Saint-Petersburg as well as in whole Russia as the performer of the hymn of the soccer team "Zenith". So, thousands of fans enthusiastically sing this hymn together with the voices of Peter's quartet before every match of their favorite team.
During long time collaboration the musicians of Peter's quartet have created their own distinct style which lets the singers spread their musical idea all around the world with great success.